The Revenge of Cyrus

By Walid Joumblatt

My dear friend Uri,

The show at Capitol Hill looked like Rome greeting Julius Cesar.

Netanyahu has crossed the Rubicon with the legions of Sheldon Adelson to encircle Pompey, Obama entrenched in the White House.

Ave Caesar, Ave Netanyahu: The Die is cast.

Cast on what, cast on nothing.

The longer you prolong the deal with the Persians, the more they will demand and increase their centrifuges.

Netanyahu said nothing new except repeating the same old story that dates back to 25 years ago.

In the meantime, the Soldiers of God are at the gates, the gates of Israel, with Cyrus the Great and his legions advancing in Mesopotamia, controlling Syria, well entrenched in Lebanon, invading Yemen and ready to block Hormuz.


Do not think Uri that I am that pleased with these new realities.

I am just sad when I see Arab countries almost powerless and what use to be the cradle of civilization, meaning Mesopotamia and Syria being systematically destroyed and looted by the vampires of ISIS and the hordes of Kassem Suleymani, not to forget Bashar Al Assad the Nero of Syria.

Khaled Ibn Al Walid, Sayf Allah Al Maslul, Drawn Sword of Islam, the Companion of the Prophet, the conqueror  of Arabia, Persian Mesopotamia and Roman Syria must feel terribly lonely today.


Walid Joumblatt


To read Uri Avnery’s article click here